Music in 2011 Rocked, What About 2012?

If you’re reminiscing over all of the great albums released in 2011, keep in mind, there’s plenty to look forward to next year. Guest host Allison Keyes finds out what to keep an ear out for. She talks with two of the biggest music fans on the Tell Me More team: freelance producer, Veronica Miller, and Sarah Ventre, a freelance music journalist.

MILLER: I am cheating a little bit because I don’t have a pick for best female artist. But one of my favorite records this by is by an artist, an R&B artist name Eric Roberson. And I picked him because his music is very romantic and woman-friendly and it’s different from most of the mainstream R&B that’s out right now. His record is called “Mister Nice Guy.” And what of my favorite songs off the album is a track called “Picture Perfect.” It’s an ode to the woman of his life.


ERIC ROBERSON: (Singing) Girl you are picture perfect. Perfect picture. Yes you are. Yeah. I couldn’t draw you better, baby. Just holding your hand gives me satisfaction similar to when true lovers date. Soothing…

KEYS: He’s got sort of the updated old-school R&B thing happening.

MILLER: Absolutely.

KEYS: Remember Norman Connors, the “You Are My Starship,” that kind of vibe.

MILLER: Absolutely. Like one of the lines in the song is, I couldn’t draw you better, baby. You are so divine. I guess God took his time when he came up with your design.


MILLER: You know, so I think it’s great.



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