Daily Motivation 7.20.12

You have the strength

You have the strength to choose your thoughts. You have the strength to choose your actions, your attitude, and your feelings in any given moment.

You have the strength to decide what to focus the energy of your life upon. You can be strong in any way you choose to be strong.

Life will often come at you fast and furious and in an unrelenting way. Yet as intense as it may become, it never has to overwhelm you.

For you can choose to be as strong as you must be. You can think strong and positive thoughts, and follow through with strong, decisive actions.

You can reach inside and feel the ever-growing strength that comes from the truth of who you are. You can connect that strength to everything you do.

You have the strength because you have the choice to live in accordance with your deepest, most treasured values. Choose to be strong, and bring those values more fully to life with every experience.

— Ralph Marston

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