3 Ways to Find Your Fitness Passion

Here’s a little quiz for you:

  1. Do you love the kind of workouts you do? Yes or No
  2. Do you look forward to your next workout? Yes or No
  3. When was the last time you changed your routine? Yesterday/Three Months Ago/Never

If you answered no to questions one and two and three months ago or never to question three, it’s time to re-evaluate your workouts. Now, before I get into the thick of the this post, let me add a disclaimer: There will be times when you just don’t feel like working out – it’s normal – heck, I feel that way at times.  However, the difference between periodically not feeling like working out due to sleep deprivation (think about your last teething episode with the kids), or unexpected life situations (e.g. traffic jam) and hating your workouts completely are two different things.  I’m going to address the latter – hating your workouts.

I can’t tell you the times I’ve worked with clients who say, “I hate to run, but I know I have to.”  Huh? Why do something you hate? I used to say the same thing about running until I discovered interval training. Now, I run, but it’s short, sweet and to the point. I have my music for inspiration, and I’m all set. Do you hate lifting weights?  There are creative ways to lift that don’t require a Smith press or a hamstring curl machine. My point is, if you take a little time to reflect, you can find a workout that fits your personality and perhaps even excites you a bit.  Below are my three tips to help you find your workout passion and stick to it!

What did you like to do as a kid?  My childhood was full of trips to the park (play), ballet lessons (Thanks Mom!), bike riding and jump rope. Guess what? I do a lot of these same activities today. I jump rope to some of my favorite childhood chants, race my kids at the track and take movement classes like ballet and jazz. Is it a workout? You betcha! The cool thing is that I really enjoy these workouts, and I’m passionate about any activity that includes these exercises.

What is an escape for you?  Bike riding is a great way to enjoy the beauty around you and get in a great workout. Maybe your thing is hiking. Whatever gives you that feeling of retreat and reflection can be a great way to ignite your workout passion.

Photo Source: Thinkstock/Hemera

What workouts intrigue you the most? Trust me, there are a lot of workouts out there; I read about them all the time. You may run into people who swear that they’re doing the absolute best workout routine but be careful; what they think is great may not be for you. Try different kinds of workouts, and evaluate whether it’s fun, meets your fitness goals and provides some level of support (e.g. friendship, camaraderie). It may take some time, but it’s worth finding the right workout that sparks your passion for fitness.

Remember, there is some fitness passion inside of you, it’s just a matter of finding out what you’re passionate about. Whether you’re a casual exerciser or just need to get it together, ask yourself these three questions to get you started. In no time, you’ll be on the road to fitness and be excited about it too!

Share your fitness passion. How did you discover it, and what are you doing to maintain it? In the meantime, check out my tips for getting out of an exercise rut.

via Discovery.com

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