New York Bans All Large Sugary Soft Drinks

On Thursday (9/13) the New York City Health Department became the first in the nation to ban the sale of sugared beverages larger than 16 oz. at restaurants, mobile food carts, sports arenas and movie theaters. America has a weight problem… can’t wait to eat (word to Robin Harris, R.I.P.). The First Lady Michelle Obama has embraced the fight against American obesity as one of her platforms and fast food restaurants have tried to offer healthier options while still keeping with the original products that made them famous.

There are far too many people who are sick or hospitalized with illnesses related to obesity. There are far too many obese kids and teens which means a lower amount of suitable recruits for the military. Mayor Bloomberg threatened this action would be taken and it has become a reality. I know a lot of people who love soda. Do you feel that it is ok for Mayor Mike and the Health Department to dictate what you should and should not drink?



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