Top 5 Immune Boosting Foods and Drinks

by Endre Rex-Kiss

Having a healthy immune system is essential as it will prevent you from a wide range of illnesses. It isn’t difficult to boost your immune system making it even more effective at warding off illnesses. If you include the following foods and drinks in your diet you can be sure that you will have a brilliantly functioning immune system, which means you will spend less time feeling ill.


Yogurt is an excellent food for boosting immune system functioning, however not just any type of yogurts boost your immune system. Yogurts that will help your immune system are the ones that contain probiotics or in simple terms ‘healthy bacteria’. Probiotics help keep your gut and intestines free from germs that may cause illness or disease. Always make sure that you look at the label before you buy it to make sure that the yogurt contains probacteria.


Broccoli is one of the best vegetables that you can include in your diet. This is because it is packed with a collection of all types of vitamins and HiveHealthMedia

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