Should You Be Shacking Up?

If you’ve never split rent with a beau, chances are good you will: According to the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, half of all women under 45 have lived in sin at some point in their lives. But research has shown that living together before marriage can sabotage long-term love. Couples who share an address before exchanging rings have slightly higher odds of getting divorced. So how do you know if the timing is right anxiety fades, keep your own pad.
How’s his/her relationship chats, the who-pays-for-what conversation needs to happen before you cosign a lease, says Adriane G. Berg, author of romance from the get-go. “Decide on a weekly date night before you finish unpacking your boxes,” she says. And don’t be shy about trying new seduction techniques. Surprise him/her with breakfast in bed–wearing just an apron.

via Women’s Health

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