Science! Grapefruit Juice Can Lower Your Doctor Bills

We all know that eating lots of fruits and veggies is healthy for our bodies. But can it also be healthy for our wallets?

When grapefruit juice interacts with certain drugs, it has been found to increase the potency of those drugs. Recently, doctors found that could also be true for drugs being used to treat cancer. “It’s important not to see this as a new cure for cancer,” Dr. Jerry Avorn, chief of the Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, told ABC News. “But rather, it’s a very interesting way of using a known food-drug interaction as a means of getting better drug levels into cancer patients.”

Doctors using a transplant drug, sirolimus, on cancer patients found the level of that drug dramatically increased by 350 percent when coupled with grapefruit juice.

The dosage was untouched. Not only does this keep side effects at bay, it also reduces the cost of these drugs.

“We’re talking about cutting those costs by a half to a third,” the lead researcher, Dr. Ezra Cohen, said.

Grapefruit juice isn’t the only food out there shown to have healthy qualities. Other foods found to have serious health benefits are Omega-3 rich seafood like wild salmon and sardines,  antioxidant-rich blueberries, and broccoli. And eating in season is a good way to keep the doctor away.

And, of course, saving on the time and expense of health care is a good thing. This interesting article from Slate digs deeper into what the term “health care cost” really means. With health care costs eating away at the savings accounts of Americans old and young, determining how much is at stake when we get sick is critical. But recent findings showing that about half of Americans die with barely any assets and wealthier people are healthier people should drive you to add some healthy foods to your grocery shopping list.


By: Madame Noire via

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