Foolish fear
Do you ever avoid taking action because you fear that you’ll appear foolish, or because you’re afraid that others will criticize you? Certainly it makes sense to avoid foolish actions. Yet no matter how wise and sensible you may be, there will always be someone who criticizes you.
If you’re imprisoned by the fear of appearing foolish or of being criticized, then you won’t ever get very much done. When you attempt to avoid the little, day-to-day humiliations, you end up with the biggest humiliation of all — a life not fully lived.
We often think of selfishness in terms of material things. But selfishness can also be the unwillingness to express your own thoughts, your opinions and passions. Hiding your valuable essence from the world, out of fear of humiliation, is a selfish denial of your own possibilities.
Those who risk appearing foolish are the ones who accomplish things. Put thought and wisdom into your actions and go forward with them. Then those people who consider you foolish will themselves be the real fools.
— Ralph Marston