Tired Of Carrying Your Pumps In That Tired Grocery Bag? Try ShoeAlong

The backseat of my car is an Elephant Graveyard made of very expensive, very beautiful shoes. In the recessed space directly behind the driver’s seat you will find the discarded remains of shoes of every stripe – heels, flats, peep toes and tennis – and it’s getting kind of ridiculous. Every time I change from work shoes to riding boots, or from my Tom’s to club shoes, the pair that I had on first gets chucked behind me in the car. If I have to take them into the office with me they usually get wrapped up in a Target bag. My friends know what a mess I am, especially when it comes to shoes so most of the time they roll their eyes at me. Sometimes they ask though, “Why don’t you just put them where they belong?”

Because, ain’t nobody got time fuh that!

Most days I carry two or three bags (purse, lunch, laptop bag) to the office. Usually I’m scrambling to get out of the house in the morning, so everything is tossed into my ‘bags’ as I jet out the door to keep from missing a morning meeting. Needless to say a lot of times I feel like a bag lady, word to Badu. So when I was asked to check the ShoeAlong, a fancy footwear carrier that slips over your purse, my first thought was ‘yeah right.’  For one thing, I’m the type of girl who’d rather throw shoes into one of those huge plastic Sterilite bins than install a California Closet.  For another, I’m super hard on my stuff.


I was low-key high-key impressed with the ShoeAlong. It’s made of neoprene (the fabric used for lunch bags and water bottle covers), so it was incredibly lightweight but sturdy. The one I got was black, with a pretty lavender lining on the inside. This is important because I love pastels, but I am also messy and having a black outside means it won’t get dirty quickly. I slipped some of my ‘lightly broken in’ busted downwork flats to give it a whirl. Luckily it was big enough to fit my shoes, and there were cool little snaps that kept each shoe in its own compartment that kept them from jostling around.

So here’s how it works: there is a band that slips the ShoeAlong over your purse handle. So easy and quick.  It’s pretty sleek too, and the neoprene fabric helped shoe smells inside the bag, instead of wafting out into the open. It was nice to have an actual space to put my shoes and I didn’t get the sideways glances that usually accompanied my grocery bag shoe carriers.  And after using it for a few days, the pile of shoes behind my driver’s seat slowly began to deplete because I was actually taking my shoes inside instead of letting the chill in my car. Definitely an improvement.

So what do you think? Would you give the ShoeAlong  a shot?

via MadameNoire.com

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