Tired of nothing It’s certainly true that the effort necessary for accomplishment will make you tired. And yet the lack of any effort at all will surely bring on an even greater amount of weariness. It’s far better to be …
6 Ways To Tell If There Are Digital Sparks
by Laurie Davis When you start dating someone, there are a million little things your match might do to that will tip you off to his or her feelings. Whether it’s touching your knee during a date, a well-timed sly smirk, or …
Daily Motivation 2.20.13
Explore Many great discoveries have been made just because people were curious enough to pursue them. The world can be changed by someone who asks what if or why not, or who sets out to see what’s over the horizon. …
Daily Motivation 2.19.13
This is going to be fun How often do you contemplate a dreaded task and say to yourself “this is going to be a real pain”? What do you accomplish by talking to yourself like that? You end up making …
9 Nasty Things You Eat Every Day (But Don’t Know It)
You’ve probably heard about “pink slime,” the nutritionally questionable, ground beef filler treated with ammonia that has graced school cafeteria and fast food menus for decades. Well, if you thought that was bad, you haven’t seen anything yet. Here are nine more …
Daily Motivation 2.18.13
Live it like it counts You cannot hang on to this moment in time, and yet you can hold on to its value. By wisely investing this moment, this hour, this day, this time that you’re in, you can continue …
Daily Motivation 2.15.13
Foolish fear Do you ever avoid taking action because you fear that you’ll appear foolish, or because you’re afraid that others will criticize you? Certainly it makes sense to avoid foolish actions. Yet no matter how wise and sensible you …
It’s Valentine’s Day And You’re Newly Single . . . What Do You Do?
by David Wygant Valentine’s Day here. Are you thinking to yourself, “What do I do? This is my first Valentine’s Day alone in a long time.” Are you newly single or is the ink still wet on your divorce papers …
9 stages of love all couples go through
by Elizabeth Arthur Do you remember the first fight or angry disagreement you and your partner had? For the first time ever in the relationship, both of you confront each other over a conflict, even though it’s sorted out quickly. …
Top 10 tips for Valentine’s Day
Spice up your Valentine’s Day and drive the love of your life wild with these hot, sumptuous tips – you’ll never be alone on Feb 14 again: Start your day with a message Although cute, the Valentine card is somewhat …
Daily Motivation 2.14.13
Looking beneath the surface Have you ever looked at a “Magic Eye” image? It’s one of those pictures with a repeating pattern, and a hidden 3-dimensional image. To see the hidden image, you have to focus your eyes “behind” the …
Celebs Who Married Their High School or College Sweethearts [PHOTOS]
by Ashley Page (Madame Noire) PAULA PATTON & ROBIN THICKE During their high school years, Paula Patton and Robin Thicke met at a teen night club. In 1993, the same year they met, despite the criticism they received about their interracial relationship, …
8 perfect ways to tell someone you love them
Taking the next step from dating into a relationship isn’t always easy, especially if you’re feeling all shy or awkward about it. But sometimes, you may be completely sure that you’re in love even though you may not know how …
Daily Motivation 2.13.13
YOU REALLY WANT TO CHANGE. SO WHY CAN’T YOU? We have all been there. We WANT to exercise more. We WANT to stop smoking. We WANT to eat healthier. We WANT a new job this year. And we REALLY WANT …
Naomi Sims: The First Black Model To Cover LIFE And Ladies’ Home Journal Magazine
WHO: Naomi Sims THE MAJOR MOMENT: Naomi, who is widely considered the first African American supermodel, got her first big break striking a pose in an AT&T ad. However, it wasn’t long until the Mississippi-native was modeling for top publications like Cosmopolitan, …
Songwriting 101: Why Originality Matters
by Mark Doyon (MusicThinkTank) If you’re a musician, you probably get asked whether you do original songs or covers. And as unassuming as that question sounds, it’s actually a hornet’s nest buzzing with speculation on your intent, ambition, and talent. Do you haveyour own thoughts? Do …
Daily Motivation 2.12.13
Your own joyous path Every joy, every treasure, every fulfillment that you could imagine is available to come into your life. It is only your insistence on continuing to need these things that keeps them apart from you. The moment …
How To Use Raw Honey As Medicine #HealthyMondays
Honey has a long medicinal history dating back to the wound-dressing of ancient Egyptians. Today, many people swarm to honey for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. And holistic practitioners consider it one of nature’s best all-around remedies. Here is what …
Daily Motivation 2.11.13 ~ Motivation Comes From Within
by Ben Francis Inspirational and motivational quotes and images such as shown above can be found all over the Internet; but what are they if you can’t push yourself to reach your goals? Motivating ourselves to become better and pushing …