Daily Motivation 2.8.13
What you seek is now End the battle within yourself and you will know peace. Cease to separate one thing from another and you experience unity. Enlightenment is not the accumulation of knowledge or wisdom. It is the full realization …
Daily Motivation 2.7.13
Self interest It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. — Adam Smith Take care of yourself first. No matter how …
Dating Customs and Traditions Around the World
by Greg Lewry Spending this Valentine’s on the road? Looking for love but struggling to negotiate the cultural norms for striking up a conversation with that local babe at the bar? Allow the Go Overseas cupid to sort you out …
8 Types Of Women To Avoid Dating Every Time
It’s great to go on dates. Like all great things, though, there can still be a downside for those who refuse to tread carefully. There are certain women that you have to AVOIDdating. If you don’t heartbreak will surely follow. Certain …
10 Valentines Day Gifts for Awkward Love Stages
Valentines Day gift-giving is tough enough when you have the sort of relationship where you finish each other’s sentences, but what if you’re not yet sure whether your new flame is the mushy-gushy sort or a rabid feminist who will …
Daily Motivation 2.6.13
Rise to the challenge When confronted with a challenge, take the golden opportunity to rise to that challenge. You most certainly can do it, and when you do you’ll move your own life, and the world around you, positively forward. …
Josephine Baker’s Influence on Fashion
by Claire (FashionBombDaily) Way before Beyoncé and Tina Turner, there was Josephine Baker, a St. Louis, Missouri born dancer, singer, actress, and all around entertainer. Born Freda Josephine McDonald in 1906, Josephine caused a splash on the 1920′s Parisian scene, thanks to her enthusiastic dance moves …
Daily Motivation 2.5.13
Growing up can be tough, and it’s unfortunately all too easy to lose sight of your dreams. If you need a dose of inspiration and a trip down nostalgia lane, watch this “When I Grow Up” short film from The Academy. When I …
Where did high heels come from?
High heels, though a staple of nearly every woman’s closet these days, aren’t exactly the most reasonably designed footwear. We wobble and slip and turn our ankles on every uneven stone, but refuse to trade them in for more …
The Power Of A Nap
Need to recharge? Don’t depend on a cup of coffee — a power nap will boost your memory, cognitive skills, creativity, and energy level. A short snooze is an economical (and easy) way to boost mental and physical health. To …
Daily Motivation 2.4.13
Did you notice? Did you notice the sunrise this morning? Did you feel the gentle warmth in your child’s heart as she kissed you? Did you stop to marvel at how many good people were doing their best to do …
Daily Motivation 2.1.13
Confidence Confidence is a golden key to achievement of your most treasured dreams. Confidence will open doors for you and will enable you to perform with excellence once you get inside those doors. Confidence will earn you respect and will …
The Super Bowl Survival Guide
Not a big football fan? Here’s how to enjoy yourself on game day. Seeing someone who’s counting down the days to the Super Bowl, but you couldn’t be less interested? Perhaps you like other sports or you’re just not big …
Daily Motivation 1.31.13
Highest vision Somewhere deep within you is a vision of how wonderful and beautiful you know life can be. It may be buried under layers of disillusionment, cynicism, frustration and despair, and yet it is there. It is there ready …
Truths About Romance, Men & Engagements
Who’s more romantic? Should the woman propose? When do I change my Facebook relationship status? How much money to spend? Are “Man-gagement” rings legit? The questions are endless when it comes to love, romance and engagements; and yes, men and women …
Is Twitter Turning into A Dating Site?
Will tweeting soon become the new winking? That’s what a new dating site is hoping.Attwaction.com allows users to “flirt” privately with other Twitter users—even if they don’t follow each other. Now, if you want to get your flirt on with a …
Is Your Child Being Bullied?
Most kids have been teased by a sibling or a friend at some point. And it’s not usually harmful when done in a playful, friendly, and mutual way, and both kids find it funny. But when teasing becomes hurtful, unkind, …
Watch a Sneak Peek of ‘Betty & Coretta’
On February 2, Lifetime will air its long awaited film Betty & Coretta. Today, there’s a sneak peek out starring Mary J. Blige and Angela Bassett who play Dr. Betty Shabazz and Coretta Scott King, respectively. In this short but emotional …
Daily Motivation 1.25.13
Imagine it so Not only can you see and understand what is, you can imagine what is to be. It is a precious and wonderful ability that can make all the difference in the world. There is no limit to …